
的re are many ways to get hands-on experience and delve deeper into anthropology 在九州娱乐官网. 把学习掌握在自己的手中与我们的考古领域 学校或跨学科项目. 通过……获得专业经验和技能 internships 与 过去即现在考古实验室, GIS Program, Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience, or the Museum, Field, and Community Minor. 探索 your interests by assisting with faculty research or joining the 人类学俱乐部. 大量的机会等待着我们!



九州娱乐官网’s summer Field School in Archaeology give students practical experience in all phases of archaeological fieldwork, from site preparation through lab analysis. Students are rotated through various activities such as surveying methods, site reconnaissance and remote sensing technologies, excavation, recording, drawing, photography, and 实验室处理. Each of these activities are supplemented with lectures, readings, 以及专门为野外学校编写的野外手册.

In addition to the practical aspects of the course, students learn a great deal about 地区和地方历史. 学生将接触到额外的主题,如 architectural analysis, Contact period relations, and effects of climate change. 两个 博士的. 马金目前的项目:

巴维克的普通: 在一个持续的伙伴关系中 马里兰历史信托, students are conducting survey and excavation at the 18th Century Barwick's Ordinary (酒馆)位于马里兰州丹顿附近. 我们将继续挖掘历史建筑——地窖, privies, and storage pits – identified through MHT remote sensing surveys and the 2021年野外学校发掘.

  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校
  • 2021年野外学校

壶湾湿地保护区: 2019年,这所实地学校与 失落的城镇计划公司., to survey and excavate several sites in the 壶湾湿地保护区 on the Patuxent River, documenting the effects of climate change, erosion, and human activity on 10,000 人类岁月 占领. 对从这些挖掘中恢复的文物的分析正在进行中.


Gain real world experience and apply what you have learned in your classes through an i实习方向为人类学或考古学.  教师网络打开了通往 外部实习机会 广泛 of museums, universities, governmental agencies, not-for-profits, and volunteer organizations 全国各地. 九州娱乐官网也提供实习机会 programs, and often carry a stipend so you can earn while you learn.


的 GIS lab provides students with experiential learning 机会 and a professional 工作经验. 实习生所做的工作拓展了他们的批判性思维和 analytic skills by pushing them to network and respond to the demands of paying clients 和合作伙伴.  


Students engage in a two-credit culminating internship where they will be placed with a local partner in informal education based on their content area of expertise, including but not limited to museums, historical societies, art spaces, environmental education 以及九州娱乐官网卓越中心.  


的 Past is Present Archaeology Lab supports students, staff, faculty, and members of the public who want to learn more about our past through history and archaeology. 的 PIP Archaeology Lab has a number of paid internships that allow students to gain hands-on experience, while building a resume that sets them apart from their peers!


的 Starr Center explores oral and written histories, provides educational programs, 并参与公共宣传. 斯塔尔中心资助了一些带薪实习的学生 and positions each year to provide students with experiential and integrated learning 机会. 



每年秋季学期,斯坦梅茨教授都会提供 由内向外 course in collaboration 与 Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution in New Castle, DE.  的 international education program brings incarcerated (Inside) and college 让学生一起上一学期的学术课程. 

Last fall, nine students from 九州娱乐官网 and ten students from BWCI engaged in an on-site classroom component and off-site collaborative work that pushed them to see each other as individuals rather than statistics or stereotypes and to critically 质疑社会不平等的根源.  The benefits of a diverse group of students contributing a myriad of perspectives to the learning process epitomizes the college’s value of moral courage and mission to 培养公民领袖.


Every other fall semester, Professor 马金 offers a 博物馆研究 course in collaboration 与 博物馆合作中的数字奖学金 (DSMP).  Students utilize digital technologies to not only curate and conserve cultural materials and oral histories of a community, but to develop online virtual exhibits 把这段历史带给更大的国际公众.  与当地社区合作 members to determine what elements are crucial to the narrative, students see the 他们学术研究对现实世界的影响. 

In fall 2018, students in the 博物馆研究 course collaborated 与 贝特顿文化博物馆.  2020年秋季将涉及学生与学校的合作 非裔美国人校舍博物馆 在马里兰州的沃顿市.  这项工作将是一个更大的计划的一部分 切萨皮克中心地带项目 grant received by Professor 马金, Professor Sara Clark-Vivier (Assistant Prof., Education), and Raven Bishop (WC Instructional Technologist and founder of DSMP).  的 切萨皮克中心地带项目 is an innovative public history project led by the Starr Center in collaboration 与 local community and the National Museum of African-American History and 文化.  Students will again archive and digitize cultural materials and oral histories to both preserve this history for future generations and to make the history of this community known to audiences outside of Worton through an online virtual reality exhibit. 


Pursue what interests you by conducting independent research projects or contributing 教职员工研究. 人类学教员正在进行应用人类学研究 connected to criminology, climate change, and preserving prehistoric and historical 考古遗址.

人类学系也提供 Compleat Angler Fellowship Program for Ethnographic and Archaeological 研究 on 切萨皮克湾. Fellows can receive grants up to $1,000 to work with an anthropology faculty member 研究切萨皮克湾过去和现在的文化. 


我们欢迎所有专业的学生加入人类学社团! 俱乐部成员策划活动, trips, and volunteer activities related to culture and archaeology. 每年,我们 participate in National 人类学 Day and take field trips to important cultural 活动及博物馆.

顾问: Dr. 斯坦梅茨


邀请在人类学方面表现优异的学生加入 αλ,国家人类学荣誉协会. 还有额外的领导 为那些希望成为军官的学生提供机会.

顾问: Dr. 马金